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Friday, October 4, 2024

Claire Zisserson Obituary, Claire Zisserson Death: Drunk driver Gregory Goodsell who killed 13-year-old girl sent to prison

PEMBROKE, Mass. — In a heartbreaking turn of events, Gregory Goodsell, 36, was sentenced to life in prison on Thursday for the tragic killing of 13-year-old Claire Zisserson in a drunken driving crash in Pembroke, Massachusetts. 

The incident occurred on December 29, 2019, when Goodsell, under the influence of both drugs and alcohol, recklessly sped through a red light, striking another vehicle and resulting in Claire’s untimely death.

Claire's mother, Elizabeth Zisserson, expressed the profound impact of the loss during the sentencing, stating, "My world changed the day that Claire was killed." Elizabeth, along with Claire's 13-year-old friend, suffered serious injuries in the crash, a constant reminder of that fateful day. 

Ken Zisserson, Claire’s father, poignantly reflected on their family's altered reality: “One day Claire was here, and the next, she was gone forever. Our table of four is now three. Our house is quiet as a tomb. The colors of our world are dull.”

The circumstances surrounding the crash reveal a troubling account of negligence and poor judgment. According to investigators from the Plymouth County District Attorney's office, Goodsell had been drinking heavily and using cocaine prior to the incident. 

He had left a company Christmas party at approximately 6:40 a.m. in a company-issued white Ford F-250 truck when he collided with another vehicle after careening through a red light at 67 miles per hour.

Witness interviews and evidence collected at the scene painted a disturbing picture of Goodsell’s state. His blood alcohol content was recorded at 0.266, significantly above the legal limit. 

Inside his vehicle, police found a bottle of whiskey, a beer can, two small alcohol bottles, marijuana, and a pipe, further underscoring his intoxicated condition at the time of the crash.

In a moment of remorse, Goodsell addressed the court, acknowledging his actions: “Because of my out of control mindset and chaotic behavior that entire night, a young lady with a bright future ahead of her is no longer alive.” However, his admission could not alleviate the pain of the Zisserson family, who faced an irreparable loss.

Goodsell was convicted on multiple charges, including one count of second-degree murder and motor vehicle manslaughter while operating under the influence. 

He was also found guilty of leaving the scene of a crash and two counts of operating under the influence causing serious bodily injury, relating to the injuries suffered by Claire’s mother and friend.

Elizabeth Zisserson implored the judge to ensure that Goodsell would never have the chance to repeat such a horrific act. “Please help me keep him from ever doing this again,” she said. 

“He can watch the sunrise every day, but Claire won’t ever see another sunrise. And we won’t ever escape the devastation of losing Claire.” Her words resonated in the courtroom, highlighting the lifelong impact of this tragedy.

Ken Zisserson echoed her sentiments, emphasizing the unnaturalness of their loss: “When someone says, ‘I can’t even imagine,’ I reply, ‘You shouldn’t have to. It’s not natural.’”

Under Massachusetts law, Goodsell will be eligible for parole after serving 20 years, a fact that adds another layer of anguish for the Zisserson family. 

Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz underscored the seriousness of driving under the influence, stating, “If you choose to drink and drive, if you choose to take drugs and drive... we will prosecute you for second-degree homicide.” 

His comments serve as a warning to others about the grave consequences of impaired driving. The tragedy of Claire Zisserson’s death remains a painful reminder of the need for vigilance and responsibility on the roads.

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